Plant-Based Diet
Service Description
Whether you are on a plant exclusive or plant inclusive diet or considering the idea, and not sure if you are getting all the nutrients required for optimal health, this is the service for you. A plant exclusive diet (aka vegan) is a diet that excludes all forms of animal products, where a plant inclusive diet is a diet where approximately 80% of calories is from plants and 20% from little animal products, eg., cheese, eggs and little meat. Both diets are highly known for their health benefits and preventing and or managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. However, if not carefully managed/planned, there is a risk of inadequate nutrient intake which can affect overall health. This can be easily overcome by ensuring the required nutrient intake (macronutrient and micronutrient) is met by a well planned diet. With guidance from Hexagon Health, you can reap the benefits of a plant-based diet. This includes the following: 1. Initial 60min consultation online which includes, goal setting and supplement review. 2. Current diet diary review (record at least 5 days of eating). 3. Individualised nutrition plan delivered within 2-3 days. 4. Fortnightly check-in online (15min) for individuals who are currently on a plant-based diet to monitor progress, update nutrition plan - every 4 weeks, and manage any barriers encountered. 5. Weekly check-in online (15 min) for individuals who are transitioning to a plant-based diet to monitor progress, and manage any barriers encountered. 6. Ongoing messaging support as needed. 7. Supplement advice - Discounted supplements by Nuzest and FxMed* 12-week minimum & 1 week cancellation notice period. *Supplements are only recommended if the Nutritionist deems it necessary (supplements are incurred at the client's expense)
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact us 48 hours in advance. Refer to T&C's for cancellation and reschedule policy
Contact Details
021 0896 3534
20d Acorn Street, Royal Oak, Auckland, New Zealand